I have been trying not to think about Ken for the last couple of months, but every time I open my iPhone's pictures, I see his smiling face looking right at me and I get this heart lurching pain. Something that I think will never go away. I miss him every day but I know it's near to impossible to see him. I know he's moved on. He's dating this girl whose pretty, smart, and who works with him in the same building. I know it's bad to have self pity for myself, but every time I see his picture I want to cry a little bit inside.
I haven't read his last Facebook message to me, because I'm scared of what it might say. Especially since I've been in London, and Paris during June. And now I'm in Thailand, and traveling Asia. As soon as I get back to the states in September, I'm going to be in New York for fashion week. As soon as that's over, I'm going to be back in L.A. And that frightens me, because then I won't be able to hold back anymore. And I will have to read his Facebook message.